Spreading The Gospel Every Wear

Live it. Wear it. Share it.

God has a track record of keeping His promises. We are committed to reminding God's people not to just remember His word but to WEAR it. When you WEAR His word not only are you embracing your belief but you are a walking billboard for those that need a reminder.

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Meet The Owner

Hi, I am Jessica. Thank you so much for checking out my website. I am a worship leader, elementary teacher, and daughter of the most high who desires to spread the gospel through wearable truth. Every item on my site is made with care and high-quality. Feel free to check it out yourself!


Our ambassadors enjoy competitive commissions, awesome discounts, and free merch! Join our growing family as we partner to spread God's truth every wear!!

  • You Are Worth More Than Your Failures Unisex Tee ( Black Pepper) It Clothing Wear LLC
  • Living Water Eternal Life Unisex Tee ( Blue) It Clothing Wear LLC
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